TapioTM Switch Interface
iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac, PC and Chromebook

Tapio™ is a direct connect, lightning fast, dual switch interface that's suitable for everyday access on any platform.
With Tapio and an adaptive switch, a single switch user can have complete access to an iPad or iPhone and even macOS computers using Apple's Switch Control. Similar capability is available on Android and ChromeOS. A single switch scanner really can move the highlight to an app on the home screen, launch it, and scan to controls within the app. All that's left is to plug an adaptive switch into Tapio, and attach it to your device.
Apple Switch Control provides single switch access to the iOS/iPadOS touch interface.
The beauty of a robust direct connection is there are no worries with Bluetooth pairing, drop-outs, and sluggish connections. Forget about charging batteries, Tapio doesn't have any – it sips power directly from the iPad.
Tapio is a complete switch interface solution – elegant, simple, fast, efficient, and agile (iPad and iPhone, Android phone and tablet, macOS, Windows, Chromebook and Linux computers).
Tapio is a native USB switch interface that can be connected to an Apple iOS Device using a USB adapter. It accepts industry standard 3.5 mm stereo or mono plugs, and directly interfaces up to two adaptive switches to a smartphone, tablet or computer. In addition to Apple iOS Devices, Tapio is a perfect interface for Android, Windows, Mac, Chromebook and Linux computers, and many Speech Generating Devices (SGD).
Does your user lean too long on the adaptive switch?
This usually leads to auto-repeating the switch event. So instead of getting one button click you get several. Depending on your app this could be a minor inconvenience or a mess. Tapio may have a solution. We call it Pulse Timing and it’s found in Tapio-2 mode.Tapio Specifications
In Tapio’s Full Duration mode (factory default), when you actuate a switch Tapio tells the iPad that the switch is down. For example, using switch 1, the iPad sends a space to the app. If the switch is held down, after the auto-repeat delay the iPad sends more spaces in rapid succession to the app.
With Pulse Timing mode, when the adaptive switch is actuated Tapio sends button down and then immediately sends button up. Therefore, even if the user presses and holds the adaptive switch the iPad will only send one switch event to the app – no auto-repeat.
How to use Tapio with Switch Control
Switch Control Options
Tapio's integrated DIP Switch selects iOS Device specific modes, and mouse, joystick, or keyboard functions. Follow this link for an explanation of these modes and additional Tapio specifications.
- Lightning Fast and Low latency
- Very Low Power
- Host powered – No Batteries to Charge or Replace
- Reliable Direct Connection – No Bluetooth Pairing Issues, No Drop-outs, and No Sluggish Connections
- Use an available Lightning or USB-C adapter to charge your device while using Tapio
- Multi-Platform:
- Apple iPad and iPhone
- Android Tablets and Smartphones
- Chromebooks
- Mac, Windows and Linux computers
- Most Speech Generating Devices
- Accepts One or Two Adaptive Switches (3.5-mm/0.125-inch)
- With Long Press – Up to "Four Switch Functionality" in iOS/iPadOS
- Apple Switch Control events (iOS7 and newer)
- Switch Access for Android events (Android 5.0 and newer)
- RJ Cooper Switch events
- High Performance Scan Modes
- One year limited warranty on Tapio, Apple adapters are warranted by Apple
- Origin Instruments Quality, Reliability and Support
Tapio Solutions

Buy Tapio and Lightning to USB Camera Adapter.

Buy Tapio and Lightning Adapter with re-charge port.

Buy Tapio and USB-C Adapter.
Tapio and Orby Bundles
Need an attractive and durable switch? Teaming Orby with Tapio enables users to generate Apple Switch Control events, mouse clicks, joystick buttons or keyboard functions with simple taps on Orby.
The Tapio and Orby bundles are available with either a Lightning adapter or a USB-C adapter.

The Tapio and Orby Bundle comes with the following items:
- Tapio
- USB Adapter (Lightning or USB-C)
- Orby Switch (available in various colors)
Buy Tapio and Orby Bundle for Lightning—Single Switch

The Tapio and Dual Orby Bundle comes with the following items:
- Tapio
- USB Adapter (Lightning or USB-C)
- Two Orby Switches (available in various colors)
- Stereo-to-mono adapter
Buy Tapio and Orby Bundle for Lightning—Dual Switch
Optional Stereo-to-Mono Adapter

The Stereo-to-Mono Adapter is a useful accessory for Tapio, Swifty and HeadMouse.
The stereo-to-mono adapter or splitter allows two single switches with mono plugs to be connected to Tapio, Swifty or the HeadMouse. The adapter may also be used with third party switch adapted devices.
Not only do adapters look different they have different functionality, see "Not All Splitters are Alike" below.
Buy Stereo-to-Mono Adapter
Not All Splitters are Alike
There are two kinds of audio "splitters" one breaks up a stereo signal into a mono left and mono right channel – the kind used for a switch interface. The other kind of "splitter" is used to share one stereo signal with two sets of headphones each with a left and right channel. You cannot tell which type you have by looking, it must be tested.
Here is a simple test. Plug your splitter into an audio source (e.g. iPhone) plug your stereo headphones into one of the splitter jacks, if you only hear one of the stereo channels you have the correct splitter for a switch interface.
If you hear both left and right audio channels you have the wrong splitter.
This document has a more in-depth explanation.

USB Switch Interface

Sip and puff switch solution

Button-style switch

Origin Instruments Corporation
854 Greenview Drive
Grand Prairie, Texas, 75050 USA
Email: [email protected]
Voice: 972-606-8740
FAX: 972-606-8741
HeadMouse is a registered trademark of Origin Instruments Corporation. Tapio, PageBot, Swifty, Beam, Orby, Breeze, SofType, Dragger, and AirVoter are trademarks of Origin Instruments Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.