News and Events
Severe Weather
Grand Prairie, TX, January 31, 2023 — Our offices and factory are closed today due to ice and snow on the area roads. We appologize for the inconvenience. We are expecting similar weather for the next few days.
ATIA 2023 Conference
From February 1st through February 4th, come visit us at The Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) conference in Orlando, Florida. It takes place in the Caribe Royale Conference Center. Between sessions drop by booth 300 to try out our products. Please visit the ATIA page for a description of the conference sessions and list of exhibitors.
Severe Weather
Grand Prairie, TX, February 18, 2021 — Our officies and factory are located in an area that has been suffering from extremely low temperatures and as a result had regular power, water and connectivity outages. Not only our company facilities but our employee's homes and schools have been impacted. There are also serious impacts to shipping and therefore order deliveries. As a consequence, we have had trouble responding to email and telephone calls and you can expect extended shipping times.
Please be assured we are working hard to respond to the needs of our customer's. We expect these issues to be resolved by next week.
ATIA 2021 Virtual Conference
January 25, 2021 — Today is the opening day of ATIA 2021. This year due to the COVID 19 pandemic ATIA will take place on-line. Please visit the ATIA page for conference sessions and be sure and visit the Exhibitor Experience where you will find all the usual ATIA member companies.
If you go to the Origin Instruments exhibitor page and follow the link it will point you back to our company web page, specifically: If you're already here and wish to discuss our products there is no need to go to, or return to the ATIA 2021 Virtual Conference site. Follow the navigation links for more product information. You can also call or email and even request a Zoom meeting to discuss our Assitive Technology products.
Assistiveware macOS Applications Retired
Grand Prairie, TX, October 1, 2017 — Assistiveware has added KeyStrokes to the previous list of retired macOS applications – SwitchXS, Proloquo and VisioVoice. As a consequence, Origin Instruments is no longer accepting orders for Assistiveware products we've sold in the past.
For some time KeyStrokes, SwitchXS, Proloquo and VisioVoice have been designated by Assistiveware and labeled on our web page as Legacy apps. With this designation came the advisory that compatibility with future Apple operating system updates is not guaranteed. Recently, Apple has announced that, "macOS High Sierra (10.13) will be the last macOS release to support 32-bit apps without compromise." ALL macOS applications that Origin Instruments has ever distributed for Assistiveware are 32-bit apps. macOS 10.14 is expected to be released in the Fall of 2018.
Over the past few years Apple has increased the security requirements on macOS applications. These reasonable security enhancements have made it impractical for Assistiveware to continue developing its classic macOS assistive technology apps. However, Apple has been incorporating roughly equivalent capabilities directly into the operating system. With every update the built-in apps improve and Assistiveware believes that with macOS 10.13 they provide roughly equivalent capability.
Follow this link for information about MacOS built-in Accessibility.
Origin Instruments and Assisitiveware will offer best effort support for these applications on compatible version of macOS.
Origin Instruments Corporation
SwitchXS, Proloquo and VisioVoice Retired; KeyStokes Retirement Date Announced
Grand Prairie, TX, August 8, 2017 — Assistiveware has informed us that effective immediately SwitchXS, Proloquo and VisioVoice have been retired. Therefore we are no longer accepting orders for these products.
KeyStrokes will be retired immediately upon the release of MacOS 10.13; which is expected in the Fall of 2017. The MacOS 10.13 on-screen keyboard will add additional capability and therefore make KeyStrokes mostly redundant. Until that time KeyStokes will be available for half its previous price - $147.50.
For some time SwitchXS, Proloquo and VisioVoice have been designated by Assistiveware and labeled on our web page as Legacy apps. With this designation came the advisory that compatibility with future Apple operating system updates is not guaranteed. In that regard, Apple has announced that, "macOS High Sierra (10.13) will be the last macOS release to support 32-bit apps without compromise." ALL macOS applications that Origin Instruments has ever distributed for Assistiveware are 32-bit apps. macOS 10.14 is expected to be released in the Fall of 2018.
Over the past few years Apple has increased the security requirements on macOS applications. These reasonable security enhancements have made it impractical for Assistiveware to continue developing its classic macOS assistive technology apps. However, Apple has been incorporating roughly equivalent capabilities directly into the operating system. With every update the built-in apps improve and Assistiveware believes that with macOS 10.13 they provide roughly equivalent capability.
Follow this link for information about MacOS built-in Accessibility.
Origin Instruments and Assisitiveware will continue to offer support for these applications on compatible version of macOS.
Origin Instruments Corporation
HeadMouse Nano Case Revised
Grand Prairie, TX, April 20, 2016 — Origin Instruments began shipping its newly introduced HeadMouse Nano with a slight change to the front of its machined aluminum case. The back half of the case has not changed.
The two front overlays with transparent windows were eliminated and replaced with two light pipes.
Nothing inside has changed and the new front case will not affect HeadMouse Nano tracking performance.
For additional information please visit our web page at, email us at [email protected], or call 972-606-8740.
Origin Instruments Corporation
HeadMouse Nano Now Available
Bloomington, MN, October 13, 2015 — Origin Instruments Corporation announced the release of the latest version of its flagship product HeadMouse. The HeadMouse Nano builds on its predecessor's superb performance with greatly reduced size, weight, and power consumption.
HeadMouse Nano is the newest member of the Company's historic line of World leading head tracking solutions for people that cannot use their hands to control an on-screen pointer.
The latest HeadMouse is much better suited for use in mobile environments. HeadMouse Nano is approximately 1/3 the size and 1/4 the weight and consumes about 1/2 the power of the original version of HeadMouse Extreme. There are two universal brackets designed for mounting to tablets, laptops, desktop displays, and speech generating devices. Given Nano's small size it's even possible to adhere it direct to some display bezels.
HeadMouse Nano continues the practice of using a tough and beautiful case machined from billet aluminum. It features a smaller and tougher USB micro B connector and retains the 3.5mm connector for using up to two adaptive switches for left and right mouse button inputs. If wireless adaptive switches are required HeadMouse Nano has a built-in infrared receiver for use with our available Beam.
HeadMouse Nano maintains the long proven practice of integrating all the necessary sensors, electronics and firmware necessary to emulate a mouse device. There is no need to install a special operating system driver or fiddle with configuration settings. As far as the host tablet, computer, or speech generating device knows a standard USB mouse is attached. This means if your application works with a standard mouse it should work with a HeadMouse.
Finally, installation is a snap, just plug HeadMouse Nano into the host device.
For additional information please visit our web page at, email us at [email protected], or call 972-606-8740.
Origin Instruments Corporation
PageBot Line of Products Discontinued
Grand Prairie, TX, April 7, 2015 — Today Origin Instruments Corporation announces that its PageBot product line has been discontinued.
The company will support its existing customers for the remainder of their warranty period and afterward as long as spare parts are available.
"Keeping up with Amazon's product development cycle and the introduction of new Kindle readers is not practical. Even though the PageBot was very convenient for many, the proliferation of e-readers and the many available options provided more cost-effective solutions," Mel Dashner, Vice President.
For additional information please visit our web page at, email us at [email protected], or call 972-606-8740.
Origin Instruments Corporation
Security Certificate Error
Grand Prairie, TX, Feb 25, 2014 — On February 21, 2014 we discovered that Dragger V2 and SofType V5 were incorrectly signed with our security certificate. As a consequence both applications became inoperable after the certificate expired. We have since signed the applications with a new certificate such that they will operate securely even after the certificate expires. Therefore, this problem should not occur in the future. The letter below was emailed to all registered Dragger V2 customers. A similar letter was also sent to registered SofType V5 customers.
Dear Sir or Madam,
We are contacting you to inform you about an error in Dragger.
The error involves how we used our Windows Security Certificate to code-sign Dragger and ensure it has not been modified by a third party from the time it was created until installed on your computer.
What happened is we signed Dragger using a technique that expires when the security certificate used to sign it expires. As many of you know that certificate expired on February 21, 2014. Dragger uses accessibility features that require special privileges, and they are granted to applications signed with a Windows security certificate. After the certificate expired those special privilege were not granted, and Windows would not allow Dragger to run.
A new release of Dragger has been posted to our web site on the downloads page. This new release has been code-signed with a new security certificate and time stamped so that it will not expire in the future. Here is a direct link to the download page:
This new release can be installed directly over the previous release and your activation should remain intact. In other words, there is no need to un-install your previous release of Dragger before installing the new release.
Depending on how many activation codes you purchased and how you registered Dragger you may receive more than one email.
This issue affects both Dragger and SofType so you may receive email about both products.
We realize this may cause great hardship and sincerely apologize.
Origin Instruments Corporation
SofType™ Version 5 Released
Grand Prairie, TX, Jan 21, 2014 — SofType version 5, the full-featured, on-screen keyboard for Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista has been released. SofType is a World leading, on-screen keyboard for Windows with a rich heritage that goes back to Window's earliest days. In addition to English, SofType continues its support of other Roman character languages supported by Windows.
SofType works seamlessly with the classic Desktop in Windows 8 as well as its Modern ("Metro") Interface. SofType is not only available for text entry it is also available for entering passwords at user log-in, and for responding to User Account Control (UAC) security prompts. SofType works with any mouse or mouse emulator, such as HeadMouse®, and turns clicks on its keyboard into characters for the Windows application with focus.
Button clicks can be difficult for some and the built-in Dragger™ utility offers a solution. It can be used to replace or augment manual mouse button clicks. AutoClick™ is a dwell based way to perform mouse button "clicks" and when combined with Dragger a user has full access to the button functions of a two button mouse – Left-Click, Right-Click, Left-Double, Left-Drag, and Right-Drag.
For more efficient text entry SofType features predictive word completion – type a few characters, click the word in the Word Bar and SofType finishes the remaining characters – simple and productive.
SofType is available for download from our web site and initially runs in trial mode, after 30-days an activation code is required.
For additional information please visit our web page at, email us at [email protected], or call 972-606-8740.
Tapio™ is Now Shipping — A Direct Connect Switch Interface for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch
Grand Prarie, TX, December 16, 2013 — Origin Instruments Corporation announces the immediate availability of its new compact, lightning fast, dual switch interface for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.
Beginning in Apple's iOS7, a new access feature known as Switch Control has opened up the entire touch-centric iPad, iPhone and iPod touch interface to single and multi-switch scanners. By fashioning a simple, high performance and cost effective switch interface Origin Instruments has overcome the last obstacle between the user and access to an iOS Device. With Tapio, an adaptive switch, and the included Apple Lightning dock adapter a single switch scanner can go to and scan objects on the Home screen, and launch and control any app.
Switch Control provides revolutionary access to the iOS interface that until now was only a dream.
The brilliance of Tapio is its elegant simplicity. It's a high performance, efficient and cost effective way to access Apple's new Switch Control with minimal hassle — no Bluetooth pairing, no dropouts, no sluggish connections, and no batteries to charge or replace.
For additional information please visit our web page at, email us at [email protected], or call 972-606-8740.
The Breeze Sip/Puff Switch, now supports iPad, iPhone and iPod touch
Grand Prairie, TX, December 16, 2013 — Origin Instruments Corporation, a world-wide supplier of assistive technology announces the immediate availability of it revised Breeze Sip/Puff Switch. Breeze now supports the new iOS7 Switch Control feature in iPad, iPhone and iPod touch devices. With an available Apple adapter, Breeze directly connects to the dock port for complete and carefree access to the iOS Device.
Apple's new Switch Control feature has opened the formerly closed, touch centric interface to switch scanners. Even a single switch scanner can scan the Home screen, and launch and control apps. With Breeze a simple sip can step between objects on the screen and a puff can launch an app or bring up a Switch Control menu to scroll, double-tap, or even perform a three finger gesture.
Breeze is not only a great way to access an Apple iOS Device it's in use across the globe to access Mac, Windows and Linux computers. It works great with our SwitchXS™ application for complete, single switch access to an Apple Mac.
Breeze provides uncommon value and elegance with its superb Sip/Puff Switch and built-in USB interface.
Breeze — a tiny, efficient, reliable, and cost effective Sip/Puff Switch.
For additional information please visit our web page at, email us at [email protected], or call 972-606-8740.
A New Version of Dragger™ is Released, and it Runs on Windows 8
Grand Prairie, TX, 7 May 2013 — Dragger version 2 has been released and it is fully compatible with the Windows 8 Desktop and the Modern ("Metro") Interface. It also runs on versions of Windows back to Windows Vista.
Dragger is the leader in mouse button utility software. Dragger is a trusted tool that runs on computers across the globe.
This latest release updates Dragger to improve performance on Windows Vista and Windows 7 machines and allows Dragger to run not only on the traditional Windows 8 Desktop, but it also operates on top of full-screen apps running on the Windows 8 Modern Interface.
Dragger now has a simplified evaluation and installation process that only requires one download. After an up to 30-day evaluation, an activation code is purchased, entered and used by Dragger to contact our web server and activate the license. If the computer does not have an internet connection the customer can call or email with their machine identification code, and a machine license will be issued. If required, maintenance updates can be performed by clicking one button.
An extensive help file is included with Dragger eliminating the problem of a lost user guide. If you have a question about Dragger, help is just a click away.
Existing customers with proof of purchase may upgrade for half the standard price. Customers that purchased Dragger within one-year of Dragger version 2 release may upgrade for no charge. Please check our web site, for more information about Dragger. To download a fully functional 30-day evaluation copy go to our downloads page, and scroll to the Dragger link. For additional questions, please email us at [email protected].

Origin Instruments Corporation
854 Greenview Drive
Grand Prairie, Texas, 75050 USA
Email: [email protected]
Voice: 972-606-8740
FAX: 972-606-8741
HeadMouse is a registered trademark of Origin Instruments Corporation. PageBot, Swifty, Beam, Orby, Breeze, SofType, Dragger, and AirVoter are trademarks of Origin Instruments Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.